XMPP server online.
So a while ago I used to run an IRC server with bots, but this proved to be a massive pain in the ass. A few days ago I contemplated doing the same thing again and instead looked around, eventually settling on XMPP – I used one of these in the past also but it was via some crappy java server app thing called openfire (I think).
Ejabbered caught my attention and surprisingly, it only took around an hour to set it up and configure. It’s free to use for anyone now at im.welp.me
On the hoarding.me front, I have another scaleway server that I almost finished testing the guide on but I keep getting sidetracked. The guide as a whole is in a pretty good spot right now so this weekend I’ll probably do another catch up and call it finished for a while.
I’ve been looking into setting up another bittorent tracker and frontend too. Chihaya or ocelot for the tracker, project luminance or oppaitime for the frontend. I definitely want to use chihaya over ocelot but can’t decide between the two frontends – interesting times ahead I guess. As if I didn’t rent enough servers already.